English translations set to stimulate business in Africa

OHADA (Organization for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa) is set to harmonise even further through the commencement of providing official English translations of its French-language Uniform Acts.  Following more than two years of pressure from Anglophone Common Law lawyers in Cameroon, progress appears to be forthcoming according to http://bit.ly/2e9Lod8.

October 26, 2016

US Medicaid to provide free language services

A federal law passed in the US in June 2016 which entitles low-income families in the US who use Medicaid to free interpreting and/or translation where required.  While there are many economic and medical examples that illustrate the value of language services in health settings, it remains a particularly under-resourced field.

October 19, 2016

Inaugural Dubai Translation Conference 20-22 October 2016

As it looks to uphold its prominence as the mercantile capital of the Middle East, so Dubai is set host its inaugural translation conference in the city over 20-22 October 2016. Whilst such events veer towards a softer form of extending cultural ties through the promotion of literature, the premise of a better-educated population in the Emirates can only lead to a consolidation of its foremost commercial standing amongst the Arab-speaking lands.

October 17, 2016

Translator into English? Why not enter the John Dryden Translation Competition?

Translating literature may fill some language professionals with fear whilst others will embrace it.  As yet unpublished literary translations into English are eligible to be entered into the 2016/17 John Dryden Translation Competition run by the British Comparative Literature Association http://bit.ly/1UWWRtT.  If you join the BCLA before 31 January 2017, you even get one free entry!  Literary or otherwise, Burravoe employs experienced specialists in their field to translate your documents.

October 14, 2016